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Site publisher

The site is the property of ECO-TRAIL ORGANISATION.


Registered offices: 33, rue du Général Leclerc, 92130, Issy-les-Moulineaux

Share capital: 14.450 euros

EU VAT number: FR68513851246

Registration number: 513 851 246 R.C.S

Individual identification number (SIRET): 513 851 246 00027


Address: 33, rue du Général Leclerc, 92130, Issy-les-Moulineaux


The director of publishing is Hervé PARDAILHE-GALABRUN, who has the function of director with the company ECO-TRAIL ORGANISATION.


Site hosting

Company: Agence Gardeners

Registered offices: ZAC Valparc

Telephone: 04 50 244 244


Web site:


Privacy policy

The person in charge of processing personal data is Hervé PARDAILHE-GALABRUN. 


In compliance with article 3 of the January 6th 1978 "Informatique et Libertés" Act, you have a right to access, modify, correct and delete your personal data . You can exercise this right by sending an email or by sending a letter.

The site uses cookies for the following functions: Google Analytics. If your browser allows it, you can deactivate these cookies at any time. However, we would like to inform you that such a deactivation could limit your user experience by preventing the correct operation of some services.


Site content and intellectual property rights

The information given on is for information purposes. 


ECO-TRAIL ORGANISATION cannot guarantee the exactness, completeness, or up to date nature of the information published on the site. The information on this site may contain technical inexactitudes or typing errors. This information can be modified periodically and the modifications will be included in the new editions.

ECO-TRAIL ORGANISATION can, at all times and without prior notice, improve or change the products, programmes or services described on this site. 


Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission, alteration, both partial or total of the site or its content, by whatever method, and on whatever support, is strictly prohibited.

Any unauthorised use of the site or its content, of the information that it contains, engage the liability of the user and are a copyright infringement punished by articles L 335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The same applies to the databases which can eventually appear on the site, they are protected by the July 1st 1998 Act transferring the March 11th 1996 European Directive on the legal protection of databases into national law as part of the French Intellectual Property Code. To this effect, all reproduction or extraction would engage the liability of the user. 


The site provides access to other sites using hypertext links. ECO-TRAIL ORGANISATION does not manage these sites and cannot control their content. Consequently ECO-TRAIL ORGANISATION cannot be held liable in any way for the content of the sites thus accessed, or for the eventual collection and transmission of private data, the installation of cookies, or any other process to the same effect, by these sites. 


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Photo credits




Site design and development

Agence Gardeners